How to Write a SIWES Report – Sample and Format (Score A)
Do you want to learn the proper way and steps in writing your industrial training/SIWES report?
Since I started this blog, I’ve received countless messages through email, WhatsApp, and my blog from industrial training students, who want to learn and know the proper way in writing a good and presentable report, but do not know how to go about it.
Some of you guys don’t have time on your side, as your report submission and presentation is around the corner.
Also, others weren’t given any orientation by their schools, and few actually didn’t undergo the training.
And now, you have been asked by your department to write and present reports.
Each time I receive such messages, I try to reply as soon as possible to prevent and possibly reduce the failure rate in this programme.
That’s why I feel it’s my duty to you, my readers, to aid you in understanding this subject, because I want you to succeed and to succeed as well as possible.
In this article, students of Accounting, Agriculture, Architecture, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Business Administration, Engineering, Microbiology, Food Science and Technology, Nutrition and Dietetics, Office Technology and Management, Mass Communication etc. will easily learn how to write A-Grade SIWES report.
Just read on!
What is a SIWES Report?
The SIWES Report, also known as Industrial Training or Internship Report, is an overall documentation of experiences gained, activities, topics, projects, jobs carried out by internship students at their workplace during the industrial training period.
This report is usually type-written using MS Word, printed, binded and is to be submitted by the students to their school lecturers/supervisors or department at the end of their training for review, presentation and grading.
The report should give succinct details of all work-related activities that took place in the place of industrial attachment.
It should be written in such a way that a layperson or one who hasn’t been to the workplace would easily and clearly understand the activities, projects, jobs carried out and products produced by the firm.
Also, the report should be free of grammatical blunders.
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SIWES Report Format
Here is the format for SIWES report writing using Microsoft Word:
- Paper – A4 Sized White Paper
- Font – Times New Roman
- Font Size – 12
- Line Spacing – 2.0 (Double Line)
- Aligned/Justified on Both Sides
Part of the SIWES/I.T Report
The SIWES/I.T report is usually divided into three (3) main parts, namely:
(1) Preliminary Pages
- Title Page
- Dedication
- Acknowledgements
- Table of Contents
- Abstract (Report Overview)
Note: The preliminary pages are numbered in Roman Numerals (i, ii, iii, iv etc.) at the bottom of each page.
(2) Report Body (Chapters)
(3) References
Preliminary Pages
1. Title Page
The title page gives a brief introduction and shows the purpose of the report.
You’ll have to include:
- Your Full Name
- I.T Company Name and Address
- Matriculation or Reg. No.
- Department, Faculty and School
- Date
The date to include can be the month and year you’re to submit your report to your department for grading or do your defense/presentation.
It can also be the duration of your training, i.e. when you began and ended your training. e.g. 06/01/2024 – 25/06/2024.
The font size for the title page is 14 and in bold capital letters throughout.
2. Dedication
The dedication page is mostly for appreciation and thanks to your creator, parents, guardians, sponsors etc.
3. Acknowledgements
On this page, show gratitude to some or all of those who contributed to the success of your training.
4. Table of Contents
The Table of Contents should show the orderly and sequential arrangement of the aforementioned pages, including the activities, projects carried out by you at your workplace.
This page enables a reader to easily know and find the exact pages of a particular topic or activity of interest without having to read the entire report.
5. Abstract
Summary of the report.
Don’t give paragraphs when writing the report abstract, because it is usually jam-packed, as you can see in the picture above.
The length should also be 1/2 (half) or 3/4 (three-quarter) of the page you’ll be writing it on.
Use single line spacing (i.e. 1) for the abstract.
Report Body
The body of the SIWES report is usually divided into four (4) chapters, although you can have up to 5 or more chapters.
But, it’s always advisable to make your report brief, except you’ve a lot to write about.
You’re not actually writing a textbook.
In short, your lecturers/supervisors may not have the time to read the complete report.
They will probably scan through important parts/pages of your report looking for errors, mistakes or interesting facts (activities).
Sometimes, “Quality over Quantity”
The manner and approach you’ll use in writing your report usually depends on the firm you work with, departments you worked in, and activities carried out by you.
For example, the way a SIWES report of an I.T student who worked in a medical laboratory is written, differs sometimes from the report of those who worked in fast food, bakeries, construction sites, farms, etc.
1. Chapter One
In this chapter, you’ll have to write on:
- The scope, aim and objectives of SIWES.
- History and background of your workplace e.g. you can include the owner/manager(s) names, year of establishment, staff strength, etc. If it’s registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and NAFDAC, you can also include.
- Company’s objectives (vision, mission, values) and scope of service. Scope of Service means the areas of specialization of the company. It can be what the company produces, sells, teaches or operates. For instance, a private hospital may specialize in a laboratory, pharmacy, gynecology, surgery, ultrasound scan, eye clinic, etc.
- Board of Directors (if applicable).
- Departments/sections in the company.
- Branches of the company (if applicable).
- Organizational chart/structure of the company.
Meanwhile, the Organizational Chart is simply a diagram showing the positions of workers/departments or flow of power in the firm from maybe the top (manager, director, CEO) to the bottom (drivers, cleaners etc.).

2. Chapter Two
In this chapter, you can write on:
- General introduction to the company or a specific unit/section in the company you worked in or a major activity, job, project you learnt and carried out.
- Safety precautions or rules and regulations of the company.
- Emergency in the company (optional).
- Equipment’s, machines, tools, devices etc. used in the company or a specific unit/section in the company you worked in.
Note: Don’t include images of the equipment’s used, instead list them out orderly and state their various uses.
3. Chapter Three
In this chapter, it is expected that the activities carried out during training under various section(s) are discussed here in order of priorities and logically.
It may be numbered as 3.1, 3.2, 3.3…..
Another level, e.g. 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3.3… may be added where 3.1 and 3.2 have other subheadings.
You can discuss tests, projects, production, quality control, machines applications, sewing, repairs/maintenance, construction, crafts/design, web/software development, fish farming, etc.
In this chapter, you can also choose to include some pictures of the equipment’s, tools, machines, devices, materials used in the various section(s) you worked in.
The pictures can be black and white, coloured or both.
You can also include flowchart diagrams, e.g. If you worked in a bottled/sachet water production factory, you may choose to include diagrams showing the steps involved in water production, treatment, purification, packaging, etc.
You can equally include images of the finished product (i.e. bottled/sachet water).
If you also worked in a bakery, you can also include pictures showing the steps involved in bread production (from dough mixing to final packaging of the sliced/loaves of bread in nylons).
You can equally choose to include pictures of you alone or with other students/workers while carrying out some activities in the various sections of the company. Although, this isn’t really that necessary.
Note: Pictures shouldn’t be that much. Just a few necessary ones are enough.
Any picture or diagram included in the report must bear a title/description just like the one below.
4. Chapter Four
This chapter should contain the:
- Summary of your activities at your I.T place.
- Challenges you encountered during your training, e.g. cost of transportation, no payment, poor attitudes of customers or fellow workers/employees, night shifts, etc.
- Personal suggestions, recommendations towards improvement of industrial training in the firm, state or the country at large.
- Conclusion.
This should come at the end of your report writing.
You can’t say that you actually wrote your SIWES report by yourself without making use of the internet, textbooks, materials, your workplace handbooks/manuals or copy and pasting.
This section is where all sources referred in writing are listed.
Referencing is also known as a bibliographic listing of information sources cited or consulted at the end of every research. You must give credits where due.
“American Psychological Association (APA) Style of Referencing” is recommended.
The references must be arranged in alphabetical order.
All citations must be consistent, reflected in the references section, and must conform to standard scientific format.
The references above are based on/related to report i.e. training undergo in a Poultry Farm.
Your report can’t be about laboratory tests and you’ll now be having reference sources and articles of water or bread production. It makes little sense. It has to be related.
READ ⇒ How to Get Your Own Quality SIWES Report Samples Today
If you undergo your training in two different companies, you can choose to write just one or two different SIWES reports.
But, I’ll recommend you write only one report, i.e. merge both together.
Below is the Table of Contents for six months training (report) undergo in two different companies (D Kings Kid Conglomerates and OUI Ozonized Water).
How Many Pages Should My SIWES Report Be?
I’ve received so many questions from students as to how many pages their SIWES report should be.
Well, there’s no exact page number for the SIWES report.
But, by using the format outlined on this blog, not less than 20 pages are okay.
That means 20 – 60 pages are perfect for the SIWES report writing.
Your school, department or lecturers (supervisors) may instruct and give you a specific page limit to use in your report writing.
For instance, you may be told that your report shouldn’t be less than 40 pages.
If so, obey and abide by your lecturer or supervisor rule.
Your lecturer or supervisor can also order you to increase the report font size to 13 or above instead of 12 (the standard font size).
This can be due to eye defects or choice.
If so, also obey and abide by your lecturer (supervisor) rule.
How Many Report Copies Should I Print Out?
First, printing is within the range of ₦10 – ₦30 in most cyber cafes and business centres in Nigeria.
That means, if your report is 30 pages and you print at ₦10 per page…
i.e. 30 pages X ₦10 = ₦300
If you should include report binding, which is usually ₦100 – ₦300,
Let’s say you bind your report at ₦100.
Then, you’ll likely be spending ₦400 (i.e. ₦100 + ₦300) in printing out just one report copy.
You may decide to print out two report copies. One for yourself and the other copy you’ll submit to your school, department, or lecturer (supervisor).
You may also decide to print and have only one report copy, which will be the one for submission.
Maybe you don’t have or want to waste money or probably you see no reason and usefulness of getting additional report copy.
How to Write SIWES Report
To write a Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) report, follow these steps:
- For chapter one, start by introducing SIWES.
- For chapter two, introduce the company or organization where you did your training. Include the name of the company, its location, and a brief description of what it does.
- In chapter three, describe the specific tasks and responsibilities you were given during your training. Be sure to include any technical skills or knowledge you gained during the training.
- In chapter four, discuss the challenges and problems you faced during your training, and how you overcame them.
- After discussing the challenges, you faced, provide a summary of the key lessons you learnt during your training. This could include new technical skills you acquired, or insights you gained about the industry.
- Conclude your report by discussing how your training has prepared you for future employment, and how it will benefit your studies.
- Provide recommendations for improving the SIWES program, based on your experiences.
Keep in mind that your SIWES report should be well-written and easy to read.
Be sure to proofread your report carefully and use clear and concise language throughout.
Follow any specific guidelines provided by your school or institution for writing a SIWES report.
Your Turn…
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Thanks so much sir.
I am very grateful.
u too try sef
how to fill logbook
How can I learn how to report SIWES.
Thanks very much
This information is very helpful
Grateful sir this is helpful
This was amazingly helpful!!! God bless you big time!
thank you so much sir
Thank you sir this is very helpful
Thanks for helping us.
Thank you so very much for this information. It is highly educative and very aiding for siwes report writing.
Plz what’s this recommendation all about?
Thanks so much for the guidelines it really help
Thank you, its has helpfull
Thanks so much
so helpful, thank you
Really appreciate your efforts
I really appreciate your effort for making it easy for student to easily know what is technical report and the steps to follow to write a wonderful report.
thank you sir, you are doing well.
Am a public administration student doing my siwes in admin office in general hospital I don’t know what to write in my log book please
Thanks for the clew
Am criminology and security studies student doing my IT in the airport but I don’t know what to write in my log book.
In my log book they stated crime/deviance, I don’t know how to fill it.
I need a siwes report for printing technology
Thank you
Much appreciate, thank you so much for your encourage, pls I want to ask about how to write siwes logbook for computer science.
God bless you Boss
Please i need the full siwes log book for a mass com
Please I need a sample on how my IT Report should look like. My training is in a cyber cafe(computer institute)
You explanation is really helpfull
Also your step by step arrangements are accurate.
Thanks alot
I really appreciate
Thank you God bless you
nice job sir
Very nice write up.. Am so grateful for this
I appreciate sir, may God Almighty continue to bless n strengthen you.
Thanks so much sir very interesting report
This is awesome… I’m really grateful for this.
Plz am a banking and finance student but am doing my siwes in a Radio station as a marketer plz I dnt knw what to write in my log book plz I need help
Just what I needed. Thanks a lot.
Thanks, I appreciate your write up.
I have a challenge, am a computer science student but was posted to Health Safety and Environment (HSE) department, how will my report look like?
Your work is really Awesome….. How do you fill in, for Days absent due to illness?
Helpful report. Thanks sir
Great guide. I will like to know if your guide is academically certified as the Nou siwes guidelines please.
Am student of biochemistry pls I need in project consigning material’s and how to about it
Thanks sir
I really appreciate.
It’s a nice knowledge
Thank you so much. I appreciate
Pls, how can I back date to fill my log book since we didn’t complete the six months IT due to Covid-19. Is it necessary to fill all?
I appreciate your efforts I really gained much knowledge to write this report. I appreciate thanks
I appreciate your efforts I really gained much knowledge to write this report.I appreciate thanks
With your guidance I have been able to write my report on my own with out paying any body to do the work for me .. thanks
Simple and clearly written. Appreciated.
Sir, are in text citations recommended in the report?
No, it is not recommended. Only do so if instructed by your school supervisor or lecturer.
God bless Sir. It’s been a very nice experience
It’s awesome and comprehensive.
Thank you.
Wow, this is so helpful. Thanks so much.
You’ve done well Mr. Saint Chinedu.
Thanks for this enlightenment
This is so explanatory. God bless you Sir.
Thanks you sir
So interesting, thank you so my much sir.
Well done sir, you have done a great job.
Thank you 🙏
Sir is it compulsory that I draw the equipment seen in d description of activities done .
Drawing of equipment’s can make the report comprehensive and reading understandable thereby boosting your marks.
Please is there any way I can connect with you on WhatsApp???🙏🙏
Thanks a lot.
You helped me out man. God bless you.
You’re good. Thanks.
Thank you for your additional knowledge on how to write good reports… Bless you.
Thank you very much. More knowledge.
Thank you very much
Thanks for the guard line it help
Thank you sir for this. Indeed you have helped a lot.
God will continue to bless you and endowed you with more knowledge. Cheers!
Thanks so much for this, it helped me construct my report and I was pleased with it.
This is very useful. Thank you so much sir.
Great Job Admin, this is quite innovative. I’m grateful.
Thank so much
Thanks so much, Clearer now.
This is helpful Thanks man
What is the difference between summary and conclusion?
In SUMMARY, you can summarize the activities, projects you learnt and carried out in specific departments in the company.
In CONCLUSION, you can conclude the training benefits and importance to you and your course of study.
Pls can I get a ciwes report foe civil engineering department
What if I make use of only internet do I have to write the link only?
Which link?
Thanks this was helpful God bless you.
Thank you so much sir I really appreciate.
Thanks, got understanding on how to start from this
I really appreciate this write-up sir, it was indeed helpful… I had been thinking on how to write my IT report properly but now everything is clear.
This is a very good guideline sir. God Bless you.
I really appreciate.
This is very helpful
Good work, I appreciate u for the work u have done in bringing down what is call difficulty on how student will have a proper siwes report.
Thank you.
Thank You So Much For This…
This Is Very Helpful.
Thank you so much for this guideline. It made my work so easy.
Thank you so much sir.
Thanks so much for the excellent guideline🙏🙏
Thank you for your full cooperation given to we students we highly appreciate.
If I don’t comment, I won’t feel alright, nice job sir, really good work here
You’re welcome.
Thanks for making this hectic job so easy.
Don’t know how to express my feeling right now
How do I write on farming and livestock especially to know the Abstract, Chapter 2 nd 3 Table of Contents. Pls sir need ur help.
Thanks so much.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much bros.
I really appreciate, thanks
Thanks a lot for your help!
Thanks so much for sharing
Thanks so much. I deeply appreciate. This information has helped me.
Thank you.
This has been of great help
This really great!
It boost my confidence, thanks bro.
You’re welcome.
Please I need help with my SIWES logbook on how to fill it.
I need a filled SIWES logbook on nutrition and dietetics as a guide.
Boss I need your assistance
Thank you.
Thanks man.
Really helpful.
Wow… It was awesome thanks a lot
I appreciate your tremendous effort towards helping students undertaken their internship.
Glad it was helpful.
This was very helpful. Wrote my report in less than 3 days. Thanks for the help!
Wow…. you have made my work easy.. thanks so much.
This is just so good, though I haven’t started my report but it’s just what I would definitely need.
I was to nervous on how to go about the report writing but reading through this has enlightened me to go ahead. Thanks and God bless you.
You’re welcome.
This make sense, it helped me. Thanks
Thanks very much for this…it’s actually explainable on it’s own. God bless you
Thank you so much for this. I’ve been writing rubbish since and I’m submitting on Monday, with this I’ve begun to do it right. Soni did the IT but I never went to submit my form at ITF does that mean I’ve failed? what do I do about it?
No. It doesn’t mean you’ve failed. If you have chance, still try and submit the form. Good luck!
With this info and the breakdowns, you indeed will make this a very easy report to write, I really appreciate thanks
Please help send me your contact number I have a very serious issue to discuss with about I.T
I really appreciate this your work sir. Thank you
This is very helpful. Thanks a lot
This is a perfect work well done to enable undergraduates not to fall from their tracks of learning. Thank you for making life easier.
Tank u very much sir God bless sir.
Thanks very much
But is it necessary to include the school logo to the front page?