SIWES Placement ▷ Apply for Industrial Training in Nigeria (2024)

How do I apply for SIWES placement in Nigeria? Where can I really do my industrial training in Nigeria this year?

These are probably some questions you’ve been asking and awaiting answers, because you’re expected by your school/department to soon begin your compulsory industrial training and you really don’t know what to do or how to go about it.

Most Nigerian industrial training students usually encounter difficulties in securing placement in Nigeria, because of one reason or another.

You don’t need to worry, because today, you’ll learn all about SIWES industrial training in Nigeria and the key steps to take during your application.

Industrial Training in Nigeria

Industrial training refers to a program which aims to provide supervised practical training within a specified time frame.

This industrial training can be carried out either in government organizations or in the private sector.

The industrial training program provides opportunities for exposure to the working world, which will make graduates more aware of the hopes and expectations that industry has of them.

The program will also equip students with actual work experience.

Placing students in industries increases their chances of employment after graduation, as there is a strong possibility that it will offer them a job in the same place where they undergo their training.

Apart from this, the industrial training experience will further solidify the on-campus learning process and activities, while also providing students with relevant work experience.

List of Companies for Industrial Training in Nigeria

  • Research Institutes
  • Universities
  • Government Departments
  • Health Service (Private and Public)
  • Forensic Science Service
  • Environment Agency
  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Food Production Companies
  • Agricultural Companies
  • Water Production Companies
  • Biotechnology Firms
  • Financial Institutions
  • Media Houses
  • Construction Firms
  • Mechanical Workshops
  • Electrical Workshops/Companies
  • Computer Training Centre
  • Oil Companies
  • Printing Press
  • Bakeries
  • Art and Design Centres
  • Estate Agencies
  • Farms
  • Zoos
  • Surveying Firms
  • Steel Companies

Skills Needed as an Industrial Training Student in Nigeria

  • Scientific Skills
  • Research Methodology
  • Analytical Skills
  • Self-management
  • Professional Development
  • Problem-solving Skills
  • I.T Knowledge
  • Computational Skills
  • Organizational Skills
  • Teamwork and Communication

READ ⇒ Top 41 High-Paying Courses to Study in Nigeria [Earn ₦750k Monthly After Graduation]

As the period for your industrial training draws nearer, ensure to make adequate plans and preparations.

Once the time for payment reaches, you’ll either be notified by your school, department or fellow students of the exact venue or office for the registration, stamping, signing, and collection of your receipts, forms and logbook.

The period of payment and logbook collection usually used to be stressful – although this differs among schools and students.

That’s why it’s always advisable for you as an industrial training student trying to secure possible placement in Nigeria this year, to make payments early and collect your receipts, forms and logbook.

Once you collect your logbook, it usually comes with these two (2) important SIWES forms.

Ensure to keep your receipts, forms and logbook in a neat and safe place, because if they should get lost, stolen or damaged, it would be quite hard for you to get new ones.

Before I get into the core of this post, I’d like to tell you to grab some coffee or tea.

This is quite a long post and if you’re really serious about getting placement soon in Nigeria this year, you’ll definitely read to the end.

Also, you might as well share with your friends and course mates if you find it interesting.

Are you set? Let’s go!

Sending of SIWES Application Letters to Your Desired Firms for Placement in Nigeria

After the payments and collection of your receipts, forms and logbook, it’s now time for you to write and forward your application letters to your desired firms for training.

But before doing that, it will be very essential for you to note down the following important tips.

Just read on!

SIWES Application Letter

The SIWES Application Letter, also known as Industrial Training Application Letter, is a formal letter written and sent by Nigerian internship students to their desired course-related firms, stating their aim to undergo their industrial training for a stipulated period in the firm.

This application letter is sometimes prepared and issued by most Nigerian higher institutions to their I.T students.

So, all that the students have to do is to make photocopies and enter their basic details such as Name, Department, Matriculation or Registration Number in the letter sample and forward to their desired course-related firms for training.

Below is my own SIWES application letter that was given to me by my school (IMSU).

So, all I had to do was to make photocopies, enter my basic details, visit and submit to my desired course-related companies.

Industrial Training/SIWES Application Letter

Features of SIWES Application Letter

If you weren’t given SIWES letter by your school or you wish to write yours, instead of using your school’s own, then here are some of the basic qualities your application letter must possess, in order for your request to be easily granted and accepted by the firms you are applying for your training:

  • It should be neatly typewritten using a PC or laptop and printed out in hard copy.
  • It can contain two (2) addresses – your school (or house) and firm addresses.
  • The message that is being conveyed should be straightforward and free of grammatical blunders. Also, try to state what you’ll benefit from and how you’ll help improve the firm if you’re being accepted.
  • It should contain your full name, course of study, year of study, matriculation number, email address, phone number.
  • The training period should also be clearly stated (3-6 months or 1 year).

READ ⇒  JAMB Registration Form ▷ Latest News, Start Date, Deadline and Guidelines

Factors to Consider Before Sending Your Application Letters to Firms for Training in Nigeria

1. Course-To-Firm Relationship

While securing placement in Nigeria, most students repeatedly make this huge mistake of applying for their training in firms, organizations, or companies that aren’t related to their course of study in school.

I’ll give you a simple example.

For instance, as a biochemistry student of IMSU, I applied and did my industrial training in a private hospital in Owerri. I learnt and conducted various medical laboratory tests such as PCV, Glucose Test, Blood Grouping etc. on patients, which are all related to my course of study and future career.

It would had been very wrong for me to had applied for my training in, let’s say: A Construction Company (e.g. Julius Berger), Financial Institutions (Banks), Media Houses (N.T.A), Computer Training Centres, Mechanic Workshops etc., because they were not related to my course of study in school (Biochemistry).

Because you know or have someone working in a particular firm(s), doesn’t mean you should apply for your industrial training there.

If you must apply – ensure that the firm(s) is actually related to your course of study in school.

If you should undergo your training in a firm or establishment that isn’t related to your of study in school, you’ll be awarded a poor grade, because there is a mark awarded for course-to-firm relationship.

How to Know and Determine Course-Related Firms for Your Training in Nigeria

Before applying for training in any firm(s), sincerely ask yourself these few questions:

Can I work here in the future with my degree/certificate?

The activities, jobs, projects carried out and products produced by the firm(s), are they in any way related to the courses, topics I’m being taught in school?

If, after asking yourself these important questions and you are still confused or dissatisfied, try approaching your departmental lecturers and/or senior colleagues for advice or recommendations.

2. SIWES Payment By Firms

Not all companies pay their interns.

There is usually no payment for some students.

I wasn’t being paid during my training.

You should always have this in mind when securing placement, so as not to later get disappointed if you aren’t being paid by your place of attachment.

However, don’t lose out on other available course-related firms during your search all because you’re hell bent on getting firms that pays it interns.

Also, think about the essential knowledge and experience you’ll gain, which will aid and guide you in your future goals, aspirations and career.

Remember that time waits for no one!

3. Location

The geographical area of the firms you’re applying for your industrial training matters a lot, so you may likely have to note this when applying for training in Nigeria.

For example, let’s say you’re an IMSU student wanting to undergo your training in Lagos.

You’re expected to note down certain things such as:

  • “Where are the companies actually in Lagos? Is it at Ikeja, Apapa, Ikorodu, Victoria Island?”
  • “Do I have or know anyone (friends or relatives) in Lagos that I’ll stay with? Perhaps my application becomes successful?”
  • “Do I have enough money to rent a place after my arrival that would probably be closer to my workplace?”
  • “Can I cater for my transportation, needs, and wants?”

4. Stability

You may also have to know and consider the economic, social, weather condition of the state or place you’re applying for your training in Nigeria.

No student would prefer to do his/her training in a state where they’re crises such as armed robbery, road accidents, kidnapping, flooding.

Because I would go for industrial training doesn’t mean that I should come and go and kill myself!

Life is very important.

5. Firm Reputation

When securing placement in Nigeria, also try to ensure that your desired course-related firms for your industrial training have “Reputation”.

What do I really mean by reputation?

By saying Reputation, I simply mean that the firms you’re applying for your training should at least be recognized and possibly registered by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria.

During my industrial training days, a female course mate of mine was actually defrauded by a fake and non-existent pharmaceutical company (individuals), who claimed to be accepting students for training provided they pay a certain amount of money.

Unfortunately, they weren’t caught.

Her hard-earned money went just like that.

This incident affected her grade and performance, as she started her training late.

Had she known! Please, learn from her mistake.

6. Policies

There are certain situations or occurrences in the firms, and country which might partially or fully affect your industrial training and you must have to really take note when applying for your training this year in Nigeria.

Some companies work on Saturdays and Sundays. “Are you ready and prepared?” Note this.

Some companies (private) also work on public holidays.

If a strike should probably occur in the country, it may affect you as an I.T student e.g. If public health workers in Federal Medical Center’s (F.M.C), should probably embark on strike, it will probably affect students who applied or are undergoing their training there.

When banks go on strike, it may also affect students undergoing their training there.

If public institutions in Nigeria should also embark on strike, it may also affect students undergoing their training there.

If the strike should eventually be called off, your course mates probably working in other private establishments might have already gone far in their own training.

7. Interview/Test

Some companies in Nigeria organize interviews and tests for students applying for training in order to access and determine their abilities and capabilities before acceptance.

So, note this and be prepared for the test, interview or examination – if it is actually done by the companies you’re applying for your training.

READ ⇒ The Best Universities and Polytechnics in Nigeria [Latest Ranking]

Writing and Forwarding of Your Application Letters to Firms for Placement in Nigeria

At this stage, I’ll be introducing to you a key strategy I term “Multi-Forwarding”.

What is Multi-Forwarding?

Multi-Forwarding simply means the writing and forwarding of your application letters to over one course-related firm for your industrial training.

For instance, when securing SIWES placement during my own time, I applied for my training in 3 Biochemistry related companies, namely:

  • A Private Hospital
  • Brewery
  • Pharmaceutical (Drug Production) Company, all in Owerri, Imo State.

The private hospital and brewery only accepted my application, although I was earlier informed that I shouldn’t expect to be paid.

I finally settled for the private hospital, because my cost of transportation was lesser.

I spent ₦‎200 daily, unlike the brewery company, where I would have spent up to ₦‎700 daily, because it was really far from my location.

I was lucky in securing a reputable place for my training, although I wasn’t paid.

Assuming I had put all my hope, and only applied for my training in the pharmaceutical company that rejected me, “What would have been my fate?”

While securing placement in Nigeria, if you should apply for your training, let’s say in five (5) or more similar or different firms related to your course of study, there’s no how one or more won’t accept you for training, so far as:

  • You correctly wrote and forwarded your application letters on time.
  • They actually accept and work with I.T students in related fields, e.g. Banks accepting only Banking and Finance, Economics, Accountancy, Insurance, Computer, Marketing, Management students instead of Biochemistry, Agriculture, Fishery students.
  • There are actually vacancies.

How to Apply for Industrial Training in Nigeria

You need to have photocopies of your:

  • SIWES Industrial Attachment Letter
  • Cover Letter
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • School I.D Card (optional)

Your application letters can be sent through:

  • email or
  • Direct visitation

When applying for your training in Nigeria, you can try to get the correct email addresses of the companies you wish to undergo your training and send your letter(s) online.

Also, you may try visiting the locations of the companies and submit your application letters to either the secretary, job application units, or the employer in charge.

Sending your letters online through email has a major disadvantage, which is: your letters might not get read or replied by the companies.

Instead, it’s advisable for you to visit the location of your desired firms and submit your letter and then wait for a reply.

After the submission of your application letter and/or C.V, and successful interview or test, you may be told to start work immediately, the next day or week.

You may not even get a reply or positive feedback from the company at all. It depends!

That’s why when securing placement in Nigeria, it is always good to apply in over one course-related company to avoid stories that touch. This is important advice for future participants.

In April 2018, I applied for my industrial training in a private hospital in Owerri on a Friday.

The Chief Medical Director interviewed me (asked a few intelligent questions which I answered correctly), and finally told to begin my training on Monday, the next week.

Some firms accept only one student. I was the only I.T student at my workplace.

It usually depends on the company’s size, number of operations, and labour needed.

Some firm’s also accept up to 200+ students per session, just like a pharmaceutical company I know in Owerri, where there is a division of labour.

There are sections in the company for students of Microbiology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Botany, Nutrition and Dietetics, Food Science and Technology, Animal and Environmental Biology, Engineering to work in.

In conclusion, writing and forwarding your application letters to course-related firms for training is very important when securing SIWES placement in Nigeria.

I hope you find this post useful.

Good luck!

READ ⇒ Super Effective Way to Get Good I.T Placement Today in Nigeria 

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Saint Chinedu

My GOAL is to equip you with the right strategy and working information to improve your academic performance, financial situation, and health this month.


  1. I am a 400lvl student of Public Health in the Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) and i’m seeking for a place to do my 4 months Industrial Training (September – December) in Calabar.
    Please sir, help me out… Thank you

  2. I’m a 300l mass communication student and I would like to do my siwes in a broadcast industry..
    pls where can I get such in Lagos?

  3. I’m a 300level plant science and biotechnology student of UNIPORT and I’m in search of places to do my IT. Please any suggestions

  4. Please I need a place I can do my SIWES, I’m a 400l student of (Funai) Federal university ndufu alike ikwo,Ebonyi state. I’m studying Electrical/Electronics Engineering.I will be glad if you can help me with names of firms that accepts student from my field of study at port Harcourt

  5. Please, where can I do I.T. I just concluded my N.D program as a SLT student in Lagos state polytechnic. My location is Lagos state.

  6. I am a student of Ebonyi State University, I am looking for a place to do my IT in Awka, Anambra state.

  7. I am Nnanna Onyekwere, a civil engineering student of Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa state.

    I am looking for a place to do my IT and i will be glad if you assist me.

  8. We are into crop and livestock production and equipped with farm with ultra-modern facilities to make our stay worthwhile.

    We love to take in young and vibrant SIWES student on a paid internship. Our farm is on 15 acres and still expanding, located in Oyo State.

    1. Would love to be part of this great project sir, open to learn and give my best during the course of my stay.
      kindly drop your email address to reach out to you, or contact

      here is mine sir
      Thank you in advance!

  9. As a mass communication students who is interested in marketing and advertising,what would be a good organisation to do siwes in lagos

  10. Pls sir where can I do my IT in Lagos,I am a student of Adekunle Ajasin University, Department of Plant Science And Biotechnology,I want to know the list of companies that can accept botany students in Lagos, Thanks Sir

    1. Yea me too sir l’m a Plant Science and Biotechnology student in the University of Port Harcourt.

  11. Hello sir, I’m currently a student if Nasarawa state university keffi going to 300level studying pure chemistry, I’ll be going fot IT/SIWES 300 level second semester. This is my number 08071153328 also my WhatsApp number sir. please sir, I need your help on where can I do the above mentioned sir around Abuja

  12. please I am a mechanical engineering graduate from the Federal Polytechnic Idah and I need a place for industrial training

  13. Pls sir,I’m looking for a place to do my IT..I’m a student of Delta state school of marine technology..pls I really need ur help sir

  14. I’m a student of Kenule Beenson Saro Wiwa Polytechnic, Bori, Rivers State department of Civil Engineering and I seek a place to do my Industrial Training… Please help Sir.

    Thank you for your consideration.

  15. I’m a graduate of Petroleum Training Institute Department of Mechanical Engineering and I seek a place to do my Industrial Training… Please help Sir.

    Thank you for your consideration.

  16. Am a student of Akwa ibom state University From chemistry, pls is there any place I can apply for my siwes around Lagos

  17. Good day pls am an accounting student I don’t know if I can do my siwess in a school, a secondary school and if not where can I do my siwess around ota

  18. Sir am a student of enugu state university of science and technology. I stay in enugu. My siwes is fast approaching (Applied Biochemistry) and am ready to work in any of the states (Kano, Enugu, Lagos and Abuja).
    I would also love to work with any of the oil and gas companies.

  19. Good day Sir, Please am a student of Imo State University soil Science department, where can I do my IT in Abia State or Imo?

  20. Sir is there any hotel or restaurant in abuja that accept IT student and is it possible one can apply it online?

  21. Please
    I applied for science laboratory technology in auchi for an ND program so my requirement said I should bring two copies of 1 year IT letter and I don’t understand

  22. I’m Elizabeth I study mathematics and I’m looking for an organisation where I can do my internship pls help me list out companies where mathematics students can do their siwes thank you

    1. Where you able to get placement. Please where are you working. I’m also studying Mathematics.

  23. Pls I study mathematics and I need a company or organisation where I can do my internship can you pls recommend one to me

  24. I’m Emmanuel from Edo state, Studying Civil Engineering. Currently looking for An Engineering Firm In Lagos To Do My IT. Please if It’s possible My Number is 08140844952 or let me Have Yours So We Could Talk On Phone…

  25. I am Nduka Joy a student of Abia state college of health sciences and management technology Aba, I’m a Public health technician and I’m currently looking for a placement for my internship by next year January/February,in Imo state? Please help!

  26. Sir my I.T will commence soon and I need to get a firm for my I.T placement in either Owerri or Lagos. I studied Urban and Regional Planning, which firm can I apply for?

  27. I’m Eluwa Akudo, student of FUTO studying Surveying and Geoinformatics 400L, I’m currently looking for IT placement. Can you help?

  28. Am a 300level student I studied geography and environmental management in ambrose Ali university edo state please where can I do my industrial training around edo and delta state thanks

  29. Am a geology student trying to apply for my siwes but have been searching online am not really getting what i want please were can i do my siwes and please any place in either kogi state or kwara state or ondo state akure


  31. Please I am currently looking for an I.T placement, and I haven’t seen any… I am a student of FUTO, biology department, currently in Owerri now and I need help or opinions.

    Please I also need a list of places I can work.

  32. I recently read your blog.

    I am currently looking for an IT placement anywhere in the south-south or south-east region of Nigeria. I’m studying chemical engineering.

  33. Your article is good, thanks, I just finished my National Diploma in Public Health, Abia state college of health, I am looking for a good place to do my industrial training.

  34. Thanks a million times sir, God bless.

    Please, sir.

    As a student of plant science and biotechnology, can I do my IT in a pharmaceutical company?

  35. Where can I do my siwes as a chemistry student…. my location Minna, same with the school location, and I am thinking of Abuja.

  36. Thank you so much sir for your article. You are just a God sent for some of us who are looking for a way to go about our industrial training work. Please sir, I am a 300 level. Microbiology student of Coal City University Enugu. I am looking for a good hospital or laboratory center where I can do my IT at Enugu. Please I need your help, thanks.

  37. This is absolutely great and helpful.
    Thanks for putting it up here.
    Please as a business education student, what kind of firm can I work in?

  38. Hi, I’m Eddie. I’m a Civil Engineering student. I’d like to know if I can undergo my training in an oil producing firm

    1. Hello Eddie, I’m Emmanuel from Edo state. Inasmuch as your course is related to an engineering field its Possible. Also, Text me on WhatsApp

  39. Please sir am a 200 level in the Department of Pure/Applied Chemistry in University of Calabar.

    I am studying BS.C in chemistry am looking for a suitable place to do my (IT) industrial training within Akwa Ibom and Calabar.

  40. Hi please I am a a microbiology student in FUT Minna and I need an IT place urgently in lagos with the exception of hospitals and medical laboratory

  41. My name is Nwakor Stella Chinenye. A student of Federal University of Technology Owerri (400 level) industrial physics. Please I need IT placement, it will last for 4 month only.

  42. Good evening, I am a plant and environmental biology student. Pls l need a place where l can do my SIWES.

  43. Good evening.. I am a student of Federal University of Technology Owerri (400 level). My SIWES is 4 months starting from this March to June. I want a place for IT. I am in Owerri.

  44. Sir please I am a student of electrical/electronics engineering technology FPN and am confused on how to go abt my IT report they only gave us the SIWES report form without date on it I am really confused please 🙏 I need your help sir

    1. Please add me on Facebook @ viral sammy and text me the date we are doing the SIWES report I am also a student of FPN

  45. Am a business administration student and I have gone everywhere to submit my SIWES letter but no reply, so where can I do my in Lagos State around Surulere, Apapa, Festac or Ajegunle?

  46. I am an undergraduate of the department petroleum and natural gas processing engineering, I need an IT placement in an oil and gas company.

    1. I was bothered about the meaning of siwes not until I read this wonderful post.
      I’m glad because I know what to do if I want to do my siwes
      Thank you😊

  47. Dear Chinedu, thank you so much for sharing your experience.. this is an amazing write up, I could read it over and over again.

  48. Pls I’m studying Botany from University of Maiduguri. Can u help me refer a location of an organization where I can do my IT in Lagos Island?

  49. Please, am a 200l Biochemistry student of UNN, currently looking for a place I can do my industrial training in Lagos.

    Am based in Lagos, please any recommendations will be very helpful.

  50. I am a 200 level student of plant science and biotechnology. My school is UNN.

    I am actually checking for places within Enugu/Nsukka area where I can apply for IT in my 3rd year.

    Also, can they retain the student to work for them after graduation?

    1. Yes, if your work ethics is good and okay, you can easily get permanent employment by your place of attachment after your graduation.

  51. Please am a microbiology student but I want to specialize in environmental/food science microbiology, Where can I do my IT or work here in Nigeria?

    1. There are lot of companies in Nigeria you can apply and undergo your I.T as a Microbiology student.

      There are all included ⇒ Here.

  52. Pls.. as a chemistry student can I do my IT in a pharmacy? or is it compulsory it’s a pharmaceutical company?

  53. Thanks a lot sir, your write-up indeed is very educating and as for me, i picked a lot of points from it.

    Am also a biochemistry student 300L, please from your point of view, what are the likely questions to be asked in the interview, test or exam?

    Also can you give me a guide on how to choose a placement for my IT. Thanks

    1. I’m glad the article was helpful to you.

      And it covered all you need to know in choosing the best I.T placement in Nigeria.

      To know likely questions to be asked in internship interviews in Nigeria, quickly get them ⇒ Here.

  54. Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to apply for I.T in the air force or branch of the military as a mechanical engineering student. I haven’t seen anything like that, everyone is always asking about shell.

      1. Am shotunde Ayuba Akorede. a student of federal university of agriculture Abeokuta. Am studying chemistry, 300l. I will be in need of where to do my IT by may . Please I will be grateful if I can see. Thanks


    1. I am a student of university of chemistry department..I wish to apply for I.T in port Harcourt or Uyo

  55. I’ve gotten my own copy of Industrial Training Companies in Nigeria, Pls sir as a microbiology student, should i only apply in medical labs or also in pharmaceutical companies and breweries?

      1. As a student of microbiology, Osun state university. Which pharmaceutical industries in Lagos, Ikeja to be precise take IT student sir?

  56. I have not gotten any SIWES placement anywhere. What should I do and am an accounting student?

    1. Am a student of cross River university of technology,am a microbiology student am looking for a place to do my i.t between ikeja and oshodi either lab or industry I don’t know if you can help me, thank you.

  57. I am an industrial chemistry student from Benue State University (BSU), there are no companies in my state and intend doing my I.T at a pharmaceutical company, so, what do u advise?

  58. Good day, I’m Gift, I want to know if as a biological science student, I can apply to work at NAFDAC?

  59. Sir, please I’m a mass communication student currently in 300lvl.. can i do my I.T in places like mtvbase, soundcity or AIT.

  60. Please sir am a banking and finance student from Kadpoly kaduna can i do my SIWES in Radio and TV Station?

  61. Am a student of The Polytechnic Ibadan, looking for IT placement please how will i go about it i need help seriously?

  62. Please, am a Zoology student from kwara state university, please I need to know if I can do my SIWES in an oil company or SON (standard organization of Nigeria )…. if yes please, what will be the work of a zoology in such industry?

    1. Hi Chinedu, thank you very much for this particular blog that is aimed at helping freshly SIWES Beginners.

      Honestly I must say you are really a blessing to me this night through this blog.

      It’s like you heard my prayers too😄😄. Believe me you don’t even need to ask if the post was helpful/useful, truly it is more than helpful.

      Keep on. Cheers!

  63. As someone who is in the area of study of agricultural and bio resources engineering where are the appropriate areas or sectors a student of this discipline can apply for an IT.

  64. I am a library and information science student can i apply in any information or communication ministry?

  65. I’m a student of transport management in lautech,currently doing my I.t at national blood transfusions services what they do is not related to my course..what do I do and how do I write my logbook and present my report,I’m presently in their transport unit

  66. I need a quality application letter for industrial training …am 100l in polytechnic studying science laboratory technology… It’s a 4 month I.T.

    1. Even tho it isn’t advisable, you can still apply for your training there. But ensure that the pharmaceutical company has standard and operational computer unit so as to enable you perfectly carry out your course related activities.

  67. Please I need a place I can do my SIWES, I’m a 300l student of Imo state university, owerri. I’m studying mathematics .I will be glad if you can help me with names of firms that accepts student from my field of study at delta

  68. Afternoon am a 300l student of mass communication BUK, pls must I go to the organization I want to do my siwes to know if they will accept me before collecting application letter from my school to them?

    1. Firstly, you’ll collect application letter from your school and send a copy to the organization you want to do your training. You’ll go to the organization together with your letter.

    2. Please Sir, where can I do my 400 level IT work. I am an agricultural economics student in FUTO.

  69. I am a pure and applied physics student 400 level( My SIWES is for 7-8 month i.e ending February 2020.I want a place where I can do my IT. I am in Bauchi now but ready to work anywhere (Abuja, Kaduna, Kano, Lagos etc.). Please can you help?

    1. Am a student of kwara state polytechnic of science laboratory technology and I am doing my siwes in a pharmacy company is it my course related

      1. I am a student of Abubakar tafawa balewa university bauchi. Department of Chemical engineering a 400 level student. I seek a place to do my Industrial Training from January – June 2023. Please help Sir.
        Thank you for your consideration

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